Premium Services - Yearly Annual Report Design Tool

Custom Services

Full Service Features Include

  • Visual Design
  • Print-Ready PDF
  • Concierge Consulting Services
  • Creative Storytelling & Copywriting
  • Copyediting / Proofreading
  • Yearly Marketing Package

Interested in a Custom Service?

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  • Visual Design
    Let our team design the report for you. Send us your copy and we’ll do the rest including visual design, graphics and layout.
    Starting at $2,400 for a Yearly digital report with up to 8 sections.
  • Print-Ready PDF
    Sometimes you still need to print your report. We can design a print-ready PDF from your Yearly digital report.
    Starting at $1,800 for a print-ready PDF report with up to 24 pages.
  • Copywriting
    Do you need help telling your organization’s story? We can help you write the copy for your digital Yearly report. Our skilled copywriters are standing by.
    Starting at $2,500 for copywriting a Yearly digital report with up to 8 sections.
  • Copyediting & Proofreading
    Do you need help editing your report? Our copyeditors can make sure the tone and voice is consistent and we’ll proofread for spelling and grammar.
    Starting at $1,250  for copyediting and proofreading a Yearly digital report with up to 8 sections.
  • Digital Promotion Package
    We can help your organization get the word out about your new Yearly digital report. This package includes assets for up to three social media platforms, email template and your website.
    Starting at $1,000 for a digital promo package, up to 5 graphics.
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